Friday, May 11, 2012

This baby should be tickled to Keep Life

For most women, tickle the baby is a way to have fun and express affection. However, for Sanchia Norris, tickling is a great way to keep her baby alive.
Benn, who was one year old to stop breathing several times each night. The mother should be tickled to Benn woke up and breathe again.
To find out when he should tickle Benn, Norris, 41, set an alarm that will sound if someone stops breathing Benn. Benn has a condition Apnea, one common problem experienced by premature babies.
This condition makes the sufferer stops breathing for 20 seconds or more. Apnea occurs when the muscles and nervous system of infants is not fully developed at birth. To overcome this, the most common way doctors are encouraged to tickle a child to wake up and breathe again.
Women who worked as a tax consultant, said, "I have to stimulate it in ways to make him wake up and can breathe again," said Norris as published by the Daily Mail.
He added, "I used to tickle her feet, under the chin and on his stomach. It is enough to make him start to breathe again."
Norris told, one night Benn stopped breathing 23 times and had to keep her baby immediately digelitiki to breathe again. Most babies will grow and will not experience it. However, before their muscles perfectly, the method of tickling is the most common way to make babies who experience re apnea breathing.
Benn was born prematurely in November last year when the pregnancy reaches 24 weeks Norris. Birth weight only 800 grams. Women from Fen Drayton, Cambridgeshire, England said, "He was smaller than the length of my hand. The doctors said that he could not have survived."
But after 18 weeks of treatment in hospital, Benn otherwise quite healthy and was discharged. From his experience, Norris Rosie fundraising campaign to help maternity unit at Addenbrooke's Hospital, where Benn was born.


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