Friday, May 11, 2012

Why do people sleep it could be 'salivating'?

There are salivating sleep last night? Drooling during sleep will certainly make sleeping uncomfortable. Saliva from the mouth is sometimes difficult to be prevented, so that makes people become embarrassed when awakened. Especially when staying or sleeping with someone else, right?

In infants, the condition is often found in babies who would grow teeth, so the baby will be drooling during sleep or while awake. But it would be different if it happens to people who've grown.

Most people will realize it after waking up, or woke up to find a pillow that was wet. Drooling during sleep can be a normal phenomenon or it could also result from certain medical conditions that can increase saliva production.

Drooling also called sialorrhea, a condition experienced by millions of people in her sleep every night. This occurs when a person is dreaming, or at rest.

As quoted from eHow, one of the causes of the condition of drooling while sleeping, dry mouth is caused by triggering the production of excess saliva. There are also several other conditions, namely:

A. Sleeping with your mouth open. Sleep with this condition causes dry mouth more quickly because moisture is lost from the mouth. This triggers the saliva in the mouth to get out, so that makes people drool.

2. Side effects of drugs consumed. Some drugs sometimes have side effects like dry mouth or cause a disturbance in the glands that produce saliva in charge.

3. The existence of problems with teeth, such as infections of the teeth or gums that affects the person's saliva.

4. Have abnormal oral anatomy, such as the tongue is too big, too tight teeth or enlarged lymph nodes.

To overcome this one must know in advance what the cause of his drooling during sleep. The best way to reduce this condition is to avoid the side sleeping position, because this position will encourage open, causing the jaw to open the mouth during sleep.

If the cause is a medical condition, it could not hurt to consult a doctor. If the amount of saliva released is excessive, then the doctor will prescribe medication to reduce the amount of saliva produced by glands. However, this drug should be on prescription from your doctor because it can cause dehydration.

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